T. (853) 2832 9141 admin@globalmacao.com
Courses for Adults
Global Language School Provides Portuguese, Cantonese Chinese, Mandarin Chinese and English lessons to adults.
Our classes are split into spoken, if you wish to have a fast-track to learning the language or spoken and written if you wish to have a deeper knowledge of the language.
One – to – One private classes are also available

Mandarin - HSK 1 and above
P1 and above
Mandarin for Children, using the Hanban/Confucius Institute Headquarters standard certification - Youth Chinese Test.
All official YCT books will be used and included in the course fees.
The certification exam can also be taken at Global Language School

Cantonese Around Macau
Basic Cantonese for day-to-day use
Quick course on Cantonese Spoken Language to help with your day-to-day life in Macau.
Weekdays, 12 classes per course, 2 classes per week

General English - A1 and above
For all ages
General English Courses using the Oxford University Press syllabus.
No basic English required.
Weekday classes

General Portuguese - A1 and A2
For adults
General Portuguese classes for adults
Books included in course fee
Weekday classes